



The re-payment of the carrying costs of facilities built or acquired in excess of those needed to serve current customers and held for future use by future customers.

This is the monthly cost of having the system in place and prepared to serve the customer. This charge is designed to recover those capital expenses that are fixed, do not vary with consumption and are not recovered from separate charges.

For service for all purposes in bulk customers served by a master meter.

The cost of meter reading, billing and collection. Charged monthly to each metered account or sewer only account.

This is the cost of providing the water, 和/或收集, 污水的处理和处置, 比如化学品, 电, 劳动力和其他相关成本. This cost is variable and depends on consumption, billed in one-thousand gallon increments.

Service for all purposes for customers who do not qualify for residential or multi-family services. 任何商业, 工业, and institutional enterprise 包括 但不限于 domiciliary houses, 居民的学校, 酒店, 汽车旅馆和其他用途. The term "commercial" as used herein shall mean an establishment dealing in wholesale or retail trades or services, 包括, 但不限于, 酒店, 汽车旅馆, 办公室, 商店, 餐厅, 教堂, schools and other facilities which hold themselves out to the public as a place of business.

Guaranteed Revenues (储备 Capacity Fees)
The cost to reserve water and/or wastewater capacity to serve a Developer's property.

感兴趣 will be paid on those deposits retained by the Utility. The interest shall be applied yearly, each September, as a credit against the customer account.

A meter set on a property served by water and wastewater, which measures potable water used solely for the purpose of irrigation.

The calculated costs incurred to install a water meter.

Water and/or Wastewater service for all purposes in mobile home residences located in mobile home parks or mobile home subdivisions that are served by an individual meter, which are rated at 82% of an equivalent single-family residential unit for water and 97% of an equivalent single-family residential unit for wastewater.

Multi-Family 住宅服务
Water and/or Wastewater service for all purposes in multi-family residences served by a master meter, which are rated at 70% of an equivalent single- family residential unit for water and 80% of an equivalent single-family residential unit for wastewater.

Water and/or Wastewater service for all purposes in single-family homes, and individually metered multi-family units.

The provision of reclaimed water for irrigation or other permitted uses.

System Development Charges (Connection Fees) - Wastewater
An equitable and proportionate charge made at the time wastewater service is newly requested to cover the growth related capital cost of construction for master pumping stations, 总电源, treatment and effluent disposal facilities and collection system required to provide service to new connections to the sewer system by new users.

System Development Charges (Connection Fees) - Water
An equitable and proportionate charge made at the time water service is newly requested to cover the growth related capital cost of construction for raw water supply, 传输电源, 地面储存设施, 抽水设施, 处理设施, and distribution system required to provide service to new connections to the water system by new users.

Water Shortage Rates - Emergency Water Rates
The rates will be implemented upon direction by the Board of 县委员会ers that the water shortage warrants the implementation of the Emergency Water Usage Rates.


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